How To Contact Burger King Customer Service?

As a fast-food chain, Burger King allows you to reach out to it in case of anything. The company has several contact options for you to use to reach its customer support. Here, you’ll find information on contacting Burger King customer service.

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Burger King Options to Reach Customer Service

To contact customer support, you can use the following options on the contact us page:

1. Contact Burger King Digital Team

This option allows you to get technical assistance. What happens is you can give feedback, comment, or report a technical problem. These are issues involving in-app deliveries, an issue with the Burger King website, or the mobile application.

2. Burger King Website Virtual Assistant

Visit the official page to initiate a chat.

This option is available for you to give restaurant feedback. After visiting a Burger King restaurant, you may feel the need to talk about your experience. Click on this option allows you to know how to deliver feedback.

On clicking the “contact our team” button, you land on a page

Here, Burger King allows you to give your voice via the customer survey form. Then, you will get a whopper. This option targets an actual customer. Therefore, you must enter your receipt number to access the survey form.

The second option you come across is the Email Us option. Here, you give your thoughts or general feedback about the restaurant. Clicking this option opens up Contact Us form. You need to enter the required details- restaurant details, your type and time of visit, your comments, and personal contact details. Then, click Submit.

The last option is the Talk to Us option, where you make a direct call to Burger King. Ensure to make these calls at any time between 7 am and 11 am CST. Do this by clicking on Call Us. This will reveal the number for you to use. Call 1-866-394-2493 from anywhere or 1-844-576-0546 if you are in Canada.

This last option can be used to make a complaint to Burger King. More about making complaints to BK is in this next section.

Burger Free Whopper for Your Thoughts
Fill in Survey to Burger Free Whopper

Options for Use When Making Complaints to Burger King

In case you are not happy about the Burger King app, customer service, the food, among other issues, there are multiple avenues to make your complaints. Those alternative options include:

Every good company has excellent customer service. Burger King has put in place the options to reach them anytime you have an inquiry, feedback, or a complaint. Go to contact us and reach out to them, and they will get back to you ASAP.

Guide to Contact Burger King Customer Service

Multiple options are available for you to contact Burger King customer service. There is also a process you can follow to make contact, as follows:

  • First, search for Burger King on your browser.
  • Secondly, navigate to the search result Burger King( Click that tab.
  • Now, navigate down the footer of the website and to the Contact Us link. Click on it.
Burger King Contact Us
Scroll down Burger King Official Website, navigate to Contact Us

Here, you will find various options to use to reach customer support. There are also self-service options for you to use without having to reach out to the support team. Let’s find out more about the other options in this next section.


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